Monday, August 31, 2015

Combi Catalyst Stroller Review - Stroller Game on Point!

EN: My stroller is my best friend. Every day, rain, sun, wind or snow, I take it for a walk - to the park, to the store, to the beach, on the bus, up the stairs, down the street and everywhere in between. Since I don't drive, I rely on it fully to get Nicky and I around and it hasn't failed us yet.

RU: Мы с моей коляской - лучшие подруги. Каждый день вместе, ходим за ручку. В любую погоду - солнце, снег, ветер или дождь - ведем Николая на прогулку. В парк, в магазин, на пляж, на площадку, по лестницам и улицам. Когда я изредка выбираюсь куда-то без коляски, руки сами непроизвольно поднимаются на высоту ручки и пытаются толкать что-то невидимое :) Можно считать, что за последние девять месяцев мы с ней сроднились.


Monday, August 24, 2015

How to Feed a Baby: The Solid Eater

EN: Nicky has mastered the intricate art of becoming a colossal mess at the dinner table. During my few attempts at baby-led weaning, I resorted to stripping the child down to a diaper prior to putting him in his chair in front of food and then hosing him down in the kitchen sink after each meal. My kitchen permanently looks like a war zone and I clean it three times every day. Solids are a ton of fun!

RU: Николай любит поесть.
Нет, не так.
Николай Обожает Поесть :)
При этом он умудряется вымазать все в радиусе двух метров, и сам сидит грязный как поросенок. Но, наевшись, он выглядит таким довольным, что на него совершенно невозможно обижаться за мою перепачканную кухню. Он снимает с себя любые слюнявчики, так что я просто раздеваю его до подгузника, когда сажаю за стол, а после еды засовываю сразу под кран. Кухню мою три раза в день. Короче, прикорм - это очень весело :)

The basics:


Monday, August 17, 2015

Off The Shoulders


EN: Last couple of weeks have been rough on me. The currency rate has been crippling my international shopping business. Anxiety overpowered me before the Ralph Lauren fashion show (deciding what to wear to something like that when you are 20 pounds overweight and live in denim skirts and Old Navy shorts can be beyond frustrating). And Nicky. My little bundle of joy loves me so much that all he wants is for mommy to hold him, all day, every day. All of this has been causing me so much stress that my back gave out and I've been walking bent over unable to straighten out.

My husband finally noticed that I am on my last breath and gave me a much-needed break. On Wednesday, he sent me for a deep tissue massage. And on Saturday, we left the baby with my parents and went to Jet Ski. When I floated away from the dock, I gave it some gas and it was as if a weight fell of my shoulders. I sped away from shore at 50 mph, screaming of pure joy on top of my lungs and burning off gas and stress at the same time. When I came into open water, I stopped my Ski and watched the most gorgeous sunset with Manhattan's skyline in the distance. I felt myself relax. I breathed in the salty air and recharged my batteries. Then I zoomed passed my husband spraying him with water :)

When we got back to shore, I realized how much I was already missing Nicky. Although I wanted to stay longer at the oceanfront restaurant near the Ski rental, I was anxious to get home and put my little one to bed. I realized I probably will never be able to completely let go, at least for many years to come. Yet, this break was so needed and helpful. I came home feeling like a much better mommy, and was greeted with the biggest, most sincere smile :)


Thursday, August 13, 2015

Best Baby Shoe Brands for Early Walkers

Is your little one just starting to walk? How exciting! But now you are going to need your first Walker Shoes! My son and I reviewed several pairs when he first started to walk. Scroll below to read more!


Monday, August 10, 2015

Polo Ralph Lauren in Peter Pan Neverland Kids Fashion Show 2015

EN: Last week I got an invitation to the enchanted forest - that is what Ralph Lauren has turned Central Park Zoo into for their Children's Fashion Show. The amazing event was held together with "Pan," the movie coming out in October, based on the original story of Peter Pan. It celebrated a wonderful cause of promoting kids' literacy, something so important to me personally (as I wrote before here.)

Since Ralph Lauren is one of the most popular labels my customers shop for, it was exciting to get the first glimpse of the winter collection, which is already available online. I was mesmerized by the beautiful decorations and fun and modern ways of styling Ralph Lauren's classic pieces. Polos over dress shirts, rolled up jeans, tall socks with dresses and skirts, all surrounded by flowers, fairies, pirate hats and greenery - that was the feel of the show. To paint a better picture, I took lots of images for you. Here's the world of Pan, as seen by Ralph Lauren.

RU: На прошлой неделе я попала в сказку - организованную американской маркой одежды Ralph Lauren и фильмом, который выходит в Октябре этого года, "Pan" - по сказке Питер Пэн. Сказка представляла из себя показ детской моды в зоопарке в Central Park и проводилась в поддержку детского фонда посвященного грамотности. 

Ralph Lauren - марка номер один среди моих покупателей детской одежды уже не первый год. Поэтому мне было особо интересно оказаться на показе чтобы одной из первых показать Вам одежду, которая будет доступна вашим деткам этой осенью и зимой. Часть коллекции уже в продаже - тут. Показ превзошел мои ожидания - из классической одежды, марка Ralph Lauren превратилась в микс Гарри Поттера и Карибских Пиратов. Среди цветов и зелени Central парка, детки ходили в пиратских шляпах и с крылышками эльфов, прямо как в сказке о Питере Пэне. Сам Ральф вышел в конце показа в окружении малышей, со всеми здоровался и улыбался. После показа нас угощали сладостями, девушка на ходулях, украшенная цветами, выполняла завораживающий танец, а потом детки окружили небольшой бассейн, где пять морских котиков устроили еще один показ. Надеюсь получить такое приглашение еще раз в следующем году и привести туда Николая :) А пока смотрите фото и делайте заказы к холодам!

Some of the looks from the show:

Rachel Zoe's son Skyler ran down the runway in an adorable RL Bear sweater

Thursday, August 6, 2015

Moments I miss

EN: Nicky turned nine months old this week. I am having a hard time processing this fact. When I was shopping for new clothes for him, I couldn't get over how big they are. It seems like yesterday he was wearing these tiny cute outfits, and now he's already two and a half feet tall. It's been such a long road for us. Nine months of life with a baby, plus nine months of pregnancy. A year and a half of total bliss. A world of change. I look back at it and it's bitter-sweet - so many things are still ahead of us, yet a lot we won't ever get to relive again.

RU: Николаю Степановичу исполнилось 9 месяцев на этой неделе. У меня это в голове не укладывается. Вроде совсем не давно он был такой крохотный, а теперь уже 75 см в длину, почти половина моего роста!!! Вот ему уже 9 месяцев, и еще 9 месяцев беременности - полтора года блаженной, счастливой жизни. Я немножко скучаю за прошедшими днями, хотя Николай особо не дает мне времени скучать :)

Some items that have helped us out in the last year and a half:

Пару вещей, которые очень пригодились мне в последние полтора года.


Sunday, August 2, 2015

This Isn't Me

Lace cropped top, Gold skirt (old, but similar here), 
Michael Kors navy clutch (similar here), Quay Sunglasses

I studied my reflection in the mirror critically. In my mind, I was still young, pretty, and skinny. My slim waist, tall frame, long hair. That's what I wanted to see in the mirror. What was staring back at me was 20 pounds of baby weight, shoulders hunched under the burden of sleepless nights and hair in a knot, out of my face and out of baby's reach. Something inside me screamed "this isn't me!" Even if I lost more weight, got my hair done and got plenty of rest, things would never be the same. The look in my eyes was now completely different - no longer carefree, oblivious and laid back. With every minute of my day revolving around the baby's schedule, sometimes I didn't even have a reason to put my hair down or get dressed up. But today was different.

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