Monday, January 26, 2015

Keeping Baby Warm: Snowsuit Review

EN: Nicky really enjoys being outdoors and I love taking him out in out Combi Catalyst transformer stroller. He falls fast asleep, I find a nice secluded bench and get an hour of uninterrupted much-needed work time. Win-win. But to be outside in the cold for an hour baby must be well dressed in order to stay warm and be able to sleep. With my years of experience as a personal shopper and two months worth of mommy knowledge I wrote a review of the best snowsuits to keep your baby cozy and happy during the winter months. 

RU: Зимой холодно. Но маме надо работать,  а ребенку нужно гулять,  поэтому мы совмещаем приятное с полезным и пока Николай Степанович сладко дремлет на свежем воздухе в нашей коляске Combi Catalyst, я, сидя на лавочке ,обновляю свой сайт. Так мы проводим около часа, когда погода позволяет. И не смотря на мороз ребенок у меня всегда в тепле благодаря этим зимним комбенизонам:

What we have / Что мы носим:

7 A.M. Enfant Baby Shield Bunting Bag Review


Sunday, January 11, 2015

Favorite Brands: Clothes

EN: Nicky turned two months old a week ago and he measured almost two feet and over twelve pounds at his last doctor's appointment! My little man is growing up!! And growing out of his clothes. So last week after the doctor's visit I went through his closet and started putting away his newborn and 0-3 mo outfits and ordered him some new onesies, shirts and sweaters in size 3-6 month. Now I am ready to review some of the brands that Nicky wears and recommend what's best to buy for newborn. 
  • Onesies are most convenient for us since we don't swaddle (free spirit here wants to have his arms out and up at all times!) 
  • Onesies with zippers are easiest to put on, however, they have to be completely unzipped in order to do a diaper check. For that reason, I prefer snaps.
  • Anything that goes over the baby's head is a pain for everyone to put on. But once it's on, it's very easy for diaper changes. Until it has to come off again.
  • Babies have a hard time controlling their body temperature when they are little so keep them warm. Put on a plain side snap shirt (these Little Me shirts are my favorite) underneath  their outfit and socks for extra coziness.
  • Your child is likely to grow out of size Newborn in the first two weeks of life. Best to buy sizes 0 to 3 month. When in doubt, always get a bigger size - baby can always grow into it and bigger is easier to put on!
Below are some of our favorite brands and outfits:

Monday, January 5, 2015

Momma's Little Helpers

Everything a First Time Mom Needs

EN: Being a mom is certainly a demanding job. However, I feel that every year, the world of tech gadgets is trying to make it just a bit simpler for us all. Of course, there is no magical cure for sleepless nights or cluster feedings (although I did post some suggestions on how to get through those), but there are a few things that can help mama not loose her sanity. If you are resolving this year to be a mom who can do it all but find yourself secretly needing help here and there, here are a few gadgets to simplify life for you.

RU: Быть мамой - не легко. Но если сравнивать материнство сегодня и, скажем, 30 лет назад, сейчас женщинам, безусловно, легче. Техника существенно упрощает нашу жизнь и, с каждым днем, появляется все больше новых гаджетов, которые нас выручают. К сожалению, пока не придумали волшебную палочку которая сама укладывает детей спать и делает так чтобы они спали, не пробуждаясь, всю ночь (хотя в этом посте есть пару хороших советов). Но есть несколько вещей, которые помогут мамам не сойти с ума. Если в этом году Вы решили стать супер мамой, но иногда Вам все же не хватает рук, возможно гаджеты из этого поста немного облегчат Вашу жизнь.

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